Hi! I'm Rick Shanor.

Welcome to my website. I am a roboticist currently enrolled in the MRSD (Masters in Robotic System Development) program at Carnegie Mellon University, graduating December 2016. As the capstone of my program, I built an autonomous warehouse pick-and-place robot that placed 6th in the 2016 Amazon Picking Challenge. I spent this summer automating processes as a Integration and Test Engineering Intern at SpaceX. If you would like to learn more about my work, please check out my resume, projects, work experience, and github.

When I am not busy building cool technology, I love to travel the world and explore the outdoors (check out some sweet travel photos). My favorite hobbies include hiking, scuba diving, and fly-fishing. In addition, my favorite place to blow off steam is on the basketball court. 

Please feel free to contact me at rickshanor@gmail.com.